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Selected publications
March-April 2024: Talks at the state police of North-Rhine Westfalia and at the annual meeting of the association of street workers on how to explain youth violence and possible reasons for the recent post-pandemic rise of police-recorded juvenile delinquency.
October 2023: New research with Mark Wittek suggests that ethno-racial group perceptions may be less prevalent in German secondary schools than often assumed. See our paper in Sociological Science
September 2023: New article with Christof Nägel on On the Rise in Child and Juvenile Delinquency in Germany After the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 2023: New ECONtribute Policy Brief (in German) on the post-pandemic rise of police-recorded juvenile delinquency
April 2023: Joint workshop with criminologists of Malmö University and the University of Cambridge in Copenhagen
September 2022: ECONtribute Research Workshop: Violence in Multi-Disciplinary Perspective, organized jointly with Anna Bindler (Cologne)
September 2021: Annual Review article with Per-Olof H. Wikström (Cambridge) on Analytic Criminology: Mechanisms and Methods in the Explanation of Crime and Its Causes
July 2021: Podcast “ECONtribute” summarizing main results from the ERC-funded SOCIALBOND study (in German).
May 2021: Our article “More than a Sorting Machine: Ethnic Boundary Making in a Stratified School System” (Kruse/Kroneberg 2019, American Journal of Sociology 125(2):431-484) received the Robert K. Merton Best Paper Award 2021 of the International Network of Analytical Sociology.
October 2020: Start of our new DFG project on “Juvenile delinquency in urban school and residential contexts.” Looking forward to collaborate with researchers from the State Office of Criminal Investigations (LKA NRW) and Per-Olof Wikström and team at the Centre for Analytic Criminology, Cambridge.
September 2019: Our paper “More than a Sorting Machine: Ethnic Boundary Making in a Stratified School System” (with Hanno Kruse) is out at the American Journal of Sociology.
July 2019: International workshop on “Testing Analytical Action Theories in Criminology” in Cologne, organized by our DFG project “Friendship and Violence in Adolescence”, see the program.
May 2019: New publication (with Mark Wittek and Kathrin Lämmermann) on how ethnic origin shapes friendship, dislike, and physical violence relations in German secondary schools in press and freely available at Social Networks.
March 2019: “Soziologischer Aschermittwoch” in Cologne. Watch the video of the debate between Hartmut Esser, Thomas Hinz, Stefan Hirschauer, Stephan Lessenich, and Monika Wohlrab-Sahr here.
November 2018: The upcoming workshop “Networks, Culture, and Action II” will feature talks by Mario L. Small (Harvard) on “Understanding Personal Networks: On the Limits of Big Data and the Perils of Common Sense.” and Tom A.B. Snijders (Groningen/Oxford) on “Modeling Network Dynamics – What does it Teach Us about Social Reality?”
October 2018: The FUGJ team presented selected findings at the State Office of Criminal Investigations (LKA NRW).
September 2018: The upcoming workshop “Networks, Culture, and Action I” will include talks by Steve Vaisey (Duke) on “Theory and Time: How Past and Present Environments Affect Cultural Change” and Achim Edelmann (Bern, LSE) on “Boundaries, Networks, and Drinking: How Symbolic Boundaries Moderate Social Influence.”
October 2017: My doctoral student and FUGJ team member Maria Gerth is visiting the PADS+ group of Professor Per-Olof Wikström at the University of Cambridge.
September 2017: Former FUGJ member Sonja Schulz will receive this year’s Young Scholar Award of the European Society of Criminology (ESC) for her publication „’Don’t Blow Your Cool’: Provocation, Violent Coping, and the Conditioning Effects of Self-Control“, based on data from our study. Congratulations!
February 2017: Start of the SOCIALBOND project
October 2016: I have joined the International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE) as a faculty member. Prospective PhD students interested in pursuing this international three-and-a-half-year doctoral program are invited to apply.
September 2016: The European Research Council will fund my project “Social Integration and Boundary Making in Adolescence” (SOCIALBOND) with an ERC Starting Grant.
May 2016: My doctoral student and FUGJ team member André Ernst starts his three-month visit of the Department of Sociology at Harvard University.
April 2016: The FUGJ team participated in the 2016 Cambridge Testing Situational Action Theory Workshop at Cambridge University.
January 2016: As 9 (out of 10 approached) upper secondary schools decided to join our DFG-funded panel study “Friendship and Violence in Adolescence”, a total of 46 schools and 3793 students participated in its third wave. We would like to thank all students, teachers, principals, and parents for their continued cooperation and support!
December 2015: New publication in Order on the Edge of Chaos: Social Psychology and the Problem of Social Order (edited by Edward J. Lawler, Shane R. Thye, and Jeongkoo Yoon), Cambridge University Press.
January 2015: 38 schools and 2817 students participated in the second wave of our DFG-funded panel study “Friendship and Violence in Adolescence” (which is even more than the 2635 participants in wave 1). We would like to thank all students, teachers, principals, and parents for participating in this study.
On June 18, 2014, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology will jointly organize a workshop “Sociology in Cologne” that brings together PhD students and researchers from both institutes. See the program.
On June 12 and 13, 2014, I will give the ICS Nuffield lecture 2014 at the University of Groningen and Sebastian Sattler and I will hold a master class with the second-year PhD students of yeargroup 2012.
August 2013: Our article Struggling over the boundaries of belonging. A formal model of nation building, ethnic closure, and populism (Kroneberg/Wimmer 2012, American Journal of Sociology 118(1):176-230) received the Best Article Award of the Rationality and Society section of the American Sociological Association, 2013.
July 2013: A new paper by my doctoral student Harald Beier dealing with Peer effects in offending behaviour across contexts: Disentangling selection, opportunity and learning processes has appeared in the European Journal of Criminology.
June 2013: My doctoral student Sonja Schulz received the Bojanovsky Award 2013 for her article Individual Differences in the Deterrence Process: Which Individuals Learn (Most) from Their Offending Experiences? published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
As of April 2013, I haved joined the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne as professor of sociology.
Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS), University of Cologne